Capital Gains Tax and the Family Home

The capital gains tax (CGT) exemption for gains made on the sale of your home is one of the most valuable reliefs from which many people benefit during their lifetime. The relief is well known: CGT exemption whatever the level of the capital gain on the sale of any property that has been your main residence. In this factsheet we look at the operation of the relief and consider factors that may cause it to be restricted.

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Criminal Finances Act 2017

Under the Criminal Finances Act 2017 (CFA), companies and partnerships may be criminally liable for failing to prevent their employees from criminally facilitating tax evasion. A potential defence can be utilised, in cases where the business has put into place a system of reasonable prevention measures. Here, we take a look at the key aspects of the Act and the implications for your business.

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Ensuring adequate finance is a fact of life if you run a business. Whether you are looking to expand, undertake a specific project or simply fund your day to day purchases, finance is essential. Obtaining finance is not always easy, especially if yours is a small business and particularly if it is a recent start-up. Borrowing may be difficult due to lack of security. A grant may be the answer.

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Managing Absence

Recent surveys indicate that the adverse impact of absence on business profitability today is significant, with thousands of man hours lost every day. Recent statistics show that an average of 4.3 days are lost each year per employee with a median cost of £522 per employee. Approximately two-thirds of working time lost to absence is accounted for by short-term absences of up to seven days.

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Preparing for your Accountant

Whether we are producing your accounts or carrying out your annual audit, being prepared for us will ensure our work is carried out smoothly and efficiently and with the minimum disruption to yourselves. You may also be able to help by preparing some of the routine schedules for us. This will mean our time can be better spent advising you on the running of your business.

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Starting Up In Business

It is the ambition of many people to run their own business. Some may have been made redundant and find themselves with free time and financial resources. Others make the decision to start up in business to be more independent and obtain the full financial reward for their efforts. Whatever the reason, a number of dangers exist. Probably the greatest concern is the possibility of business failure.

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Facing financial difficulties can cause a great deal of stress as well as taking its toll on health and relationships. There are a number of options available, but it is important to tackle the problem as early as possible. Here we outline the options available and their implications for both personal and corporate insolvency.

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Self Assessment – correcting mistakes

The deadline for submitting a Self Assessment Tax Return on paper for the year to 5 April 2014 was 31 October 2014. If you met this deadline but have now realised you made a mistake within the return – don’t worry you can correct this.

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Capital Gains Tax

A capital gain arises when certain capital (or ‘chargeable’) assets are sold at a profit. The gain is the sale proceeds (net of selling costs) less the purchase price (including acquisition costs). Capital gains tax (CGT) is charged at the rate of 10% on gains (including any held over gains coming into charge) where net total taxable gains and income is below the income tax basic rate band threshold.

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Data Security – Access

Many businesses are now completely reliant on the data stored on their Network Servers, PCs, laptops, mobile devices and cloud service providers or internet service providers. Some of this data is likely to contain either personal information and/or confidential company information. Here we look at some of the issues to consider when reviewing the security of your computer systems with respect to access controls.

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